A more telling close-up:

Whatever. They'll bounce back...maybe. I remember last time I divided my iris I went what some might call "overboard", rinsing off all the root systems and leaving them out in the sun for an indeterminate period of time because I got bored with/tired of planting them.
Finally returned The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to Redbox. Cost me $12 to not finish that movie. I tried at least six times. I think I need to re-rent it. At this point I feel very invested in the completion of that film.
Also, please note the coolest photo effect I've seen in a while:

Too fun. And it makes my new hair-do look so sporty! (So far I've been called ballsy, brave, and "I like your short hair by the way.") I inevitably spend too much time on web cam when boss is out of town, and I must work very hard to resist putting web cam pics as my Facebook default at risk of being "that girl." Sorry I'm most photogenic when I'm the one taking the pictures...
And just for fun:

Embarking on a much-needed long weekend to Florida this weekend. Then I'll come back to reality and have some moments of truth with calculus. If I don't pass, I'm saving money until the end of the year and then moving to Italy until I run out. Or all over Europe. Or New Zealand. Or Portugal. Or Japan. Wherever my heart moves me, and the stars (exchange rate) align in my favor. :)
EDIT: I caved. Webcam pic is now facebook pic. Why do I even try...